Climbing Roses & Ramblers

 Climbing Roses thrive best on sunny locations, with a slight shade in the early afternoon and where there is shelter from prevailing winds. Some hardy varieties can tolerate semi-shaded conditions or even climb against a north-facing wall. There are several types of climbers: large-flowered, small-flowered, once-flowering and repeat-flowering. Climbers are used for covering pergola’s, walls, fences, arches etc. Planting distance varies between 1 or 2 metres and is depending on use and variety.


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Adélaide d'Orléans

Very beautiful and elegant rambler, with medium-sized, semi-double, white flowers in small, lovely clusters. Soft fragrance. Vigorous, lax growth. Almost evergreen. Abundantly flowering in spring of summer.



Medium-sized, very double, white flowers. Upright growth, very healthy foliage. Blooming in flushes throughout the season. Very healty and beautiful climber!


Albéric Barbier

Generally regarded as one of the most beautiful climbers. The well-formed lemon-yellow buds, creamy-white flowers and the evergreen foliage offer an overwhelming, decorative sight. Flowers are large, loosely double and borne in trusses. Growth is vigorous, producing long, flexible stems with little thorns and creating a sea of flowers in June, with a very good second flush. Excellent for growing against north-facing walls, for climbing into trees, pergolas etc



Very fragrant flowers which appear in small clusters. The shapely buds open to large, double blooms of coppery-pink to salmon-pink colouring. Hardy, very vigorous, spreading and thorny growth. Long-flowering in mid-summer. Impressing rambler, which can be grown up into trees.



The flowers are large, fully double, quartered and very fragrant. Their colour is yellow, deepening to apricot and gold. Vigorous, robust and hardy climber, that flowers with the charm of "English Roses".



Medium-sized to large, double, very bright, slightly fragrant, stable coloured, blood-red flowers. Bushy, upright growth, shiny and very healthy foliage. Very pretty and continuously flowering climber.


American Pillar

A robust and vigorously rambler with single, medium-sized, cupped flowers, which are freely produced in huge clusters. The flowers are carmine-pink with off-white centres and yellow stamens. Red hips after flowering. Very impressive rambler!


Apple Blossom

The small, single, soft pink flowers with yellow stamens, bloom in large clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Vigorous growth, with arching branches, hardy. Suitable for semi-shade locations. Lovely rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Auguste Gervais

The large, semi-double, flat, apricot-yellow to copper-coloured flowers, bloom in large clusters and spread a strong fragrance. Vigorous growth. Hardy. Lovely rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Bantry Bay

Healthy strong grower, bearing small clusters of large, semi-double, cupped, sweetly scented blooms of pink, gently blending to an innocent white eye with golden stamens. The flowers are borne freely on strong healthy canes. Continuously flowering.



The large, very double, shallowly cupped, rosette-shaped, apricot flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely strong myrrh fragrance with hints of honey and tea. Vigorous growth. Lovely, abundant- and continuously flowering English climber. The name was inspired by the heroine of Thomas Hardy’s ‘Far from the Madding Crowd’.


Blaze Superior

Abundantly flowering, vigorous climber with medium-sized, double flowers, blooming well into autumn. Wonderful climber for arches, pergolas, etc.


Bleu Magenta

The small, double, purple-violet flowers with yellow stamens, are slightly scented and bloom in large clusters. Vigorous growth, hardy. Suitable for semi-shady conditions. Beautiful old, abundfantly flowering, purple rambler.


Blush Noisette

Medium-sized, loosely full, perfectly shaped flowers in large clusters, with a soft herbal fragrance. The graceful flowers open pink, turning soft pink to almost white when flowering. Powerful, healthy rose with a trustworthy growth and supple overhanging branches. Uniquely beautiful, old, abundantly flowering climbing rose, flowers to late Autumn. Also suitable as shrub rose.


Blush Rambler

The small to medium-sized, semi-double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers age to cream-white, bloom in large clusters and spread a moderate fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Prolific blooming in spring or early summer. Beautiful, almost thornless rambler.


Bobbie James

Enormously vigorous climber with large heads of small, cupped, creamy-white, yellow-centred, single flowers, which are richly fragrant. Hardy rose suitable for cold climates. Lots of hips after blooming. An ideal rose for covering large walls, open spaces, pergolas or growing into trees.


Chevy Chase

Large clusters of small, fully double, slightly fragrant flowers in an intensive red colour. Hardy and healthy plant with a very vigorouse growth, forming long branches. Exceptional beautiful, abundantly flowering. Ideal for pergolas, fences etc.


Clair Matin

Medium-sized, semi-double, cupped, salmon-pink to light-pink flowers in clusters with a sweet fragrance. Upright, well-branched growth, with dark-green foliage. Healthy. Lovely, abundantly flowering climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.


Claire Austin (Climbing Rose)

Large, fully double, cupped-shaped, quartered, cream-white flowers with a lovely and intense fragrance. Vigorous, healthy growth habit with arched overhanging branches; Abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Best white Austin rose, which is suitable both as a shrub rose or climbing rose.


Climbing Bonica

Climbing sport of "Bonica 82®" with a healthy upright, loosely branching, hardy growth. The medium-sized, well-filled flowers are bright pink, have a sweet scent and grow in dense clusters. Beautiful small-flowered climber. Free- and continuously flowering.


Climbing Crimson Glory

Very large, full, double, velvety dark red, Hybrid Tea-shaped flowers. Very strong fragrance. Upright growth. Beautiful Hybrid Tea climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Climbing Iceberg

Large sprays of medium-sized, loosely double, pleasingly scented, pure white flowers repeatedly produced in great abundance. Vigorous, spreading and upright growth. Excellent climber.


Climbing Souvenir de la Malmaison

Climbing form of the beloved Bourbon shrub named after the famous rose gardens of Empress Josephine of France in Malmaison. One of the most beautiful Bourbons. Very large, shapely and fully double flowers of soft pink to silvery pink, with a delicious, overwhelming fragrance. At first the flowers are cup-shaped, later on flat and quartered. Generously blooming and repeat flowering.



Large, fully double, Hybrid Tea shaped, deliciously scented, salmon-pink flowers tinted with apricot-orange and mostly borne in clusters. Hardy, robust climber with healthy, strong, bushy and upright growth. Wonderful, climber with abundant blooming. Easy to grow, best for walls and fences.


Coral Dawn

Large-flowered, Hybrid-Tea shaped, coral pink climber with healthy, robust and good branching growth. Strong pleasing fragrance. The large, double, cupped flowers are borne in small clusters. Very freely and continuously blooming. Excellent for all purposes.


Crimson Siluetta

Small, very double, crimson-red flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



The large, very full, nostalgically shaped, soft-pink flowers have a wonderful fragrance. This hardy climbing rose has a well-branched growth, extremely healthy foliage and reaches to a height of up to 350 cm. It is suitable for greening walls and fences, but can also be used for scented gardens, arches and trellises. This very beautiful, strongly fragrant, abundantly flowering climbing rose has romantic, soft pink flowers that appear in flushes until mid-October.



Huge clusters of large, open, single, bright deep blood-red flowers with a large white centre and wavy petals. Slightly fragrant. Hardy, robust climber with vigorous growth and continuous flowering. Suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.



Medium-sized, very double, quartered, nostalgically-shaped, ivory white flowers with a green shine, on firm stems and with a strong pleasing scent. Abundant growth and flowering on firm stems. Wonderful, nostalgic climber and shrub.


Etoile de Hollande

One of the best of all red climbing roses. The very beautiful, loosely double, velvety dark-red flowers are abundantly borne in great continuity. Very strong and sweet fragrance. Vigorous climbing Hybrid Tea.


Félicité et Perpétué

Large clusters of tightly filled, pumpkin-like, cream-white flowers with a light pink glow. Splendidly fragrant. Strong, healthy growth habit; winter hardy. One of the best ramblers; flowers abundantly!



The large, fully double, flat, cupped, red flowers with nostalgic flower-shape, bloom from June till October. Bushy, upright growth with healthy foliage. Abundantly blooming in flushes throughout the season. Healthy, nostalgic, red climbing rose!


François Juranville

The medium-sized, double, flat, quartered, coral-pink flowers, bloom in large clusters and spread a fresh, fruity fragrance. Very vigorous growth. Large rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer. Suitable for semi-shade locations and for pergolas, trees, etc.


Francis E. Lester

The small, single, blush pink flowers with white centre, bloom in large clusters. Strong, clove fragrance. Tall, upright and vigorous growth. Very disease resistant and hardy. Prolific blooming in spring or early summer. Very lovely rambler that produces decorative hips in autumn.


Gertrude Jekyll (Climbing Rose)

Clusters of large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers of deep pink, with an overwhelming fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful English shrub, that repeats its opulent flowering regularly. Also suitable as a climber.


Ghislaine de Féligonde

Trusses of small, double, sweetly scented, apricot-yellow flowers fading to creamy-white. Vigorous, robust growth with arching branches. Lovely red hips in autumn. Elegant, beautiful, abundantly blooming climber or shrub that repeats flowering.



The large, very full, quartered flowers in a romantic pink colour grow in clusters throughout the summer and have a sweet fruity scent. Upright, well-branched growth, slow-climbing, lower part does not shed its foliage. Healthy foliage. Beautiful, continuously flowering, nostalgic blooming climbing rose!


Gloire de Dijon

Wonderful climber with large, double, cupped and quartered, brown-yellow flowers covered with pink and gold. Strong and delicious fragrance. Hardy climber with upright, vigorous growth. Repeats flowering from early spring till late autumn.


Golden Gate

The large, extremely well-filled golden yellow flowers bloom in sprays and have a wonderful scent. The plant growth is powerful and upward and has healthy foliage. Very beautiful, perpetually-flowering climbing rose for rose arches, pergolas etc!


Golden Showers

Continuously and abundantly blooming climber with large, loosely double, open, Hybrid Tea shaped, lemon-yellow flowers with a sweet scent. Strong, upright, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Climber suitable for all purposes. It can also be grown as shrub.



Medium to large, double, golden-yellow flowers softly flushed with copper towards the edges and with a pleasing fragrance. Vigorous and spreading growth. Continuously blooming with great freedom.



Large, double, Hybrid Tea-shaped, mostly single borne flowers in a not fading velvety dark red colour with a very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with sturdy branches. Beautiful, abundantly flowering climber that blooms in flushes throughout the season, overwhelmingly scented.


Guirlande d'Amour

Elegant clusters of small, semi-double, white flowers with yellow stamens and a delicious fragrance. This Hybrid-Musk climber has flexible stems, ideal for training pergola's etc. Beautiful continuously flowering climber or rambler.



The large, fully double, cup-shaped flowers have a white colour with rose-pink edges. Upright, climbing growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Very attractive multicoloured climber, with continuous abundant flowering!


Ilse Krohn Superior

The large, fully double flowers in a constant and unfading bright white colour contrasting well with the strongly coloured, luxuriant foliage. Lovely strong perfume. Vigorous and hardy climber that repeats flowering well.


James Galway

Medium-sized, very double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers in small clusters with a soft fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Striking beautiful English climber, that flowers in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.


James Galway (Climbing rose)

Medium-sized, very double, cupped-shaped, light pink flowers in small clusters with a soft fragrance. Vigorous and upright growth. Striking beautiful English climber, that flowers in flushes throughout the season. Can also be grown as a shrub.



The medium-sized ball-shaped flowers are violet-red with a delightful scent. Bushy, well-branching growth. A remarkable, fragrant, climbing rose that flowers very richly and perpetually!


Kew Rambler

The small to medium-sized, single, blush pink flowers with white centre, bloom in large clusters. Sweet fragrance. Tall, upright and vigorous growth. Thorny. Blooming in spring or early summer is followed by a display of orange hips in autumn. Very lovely rambler. Tolerates semi-shady conditions.



Huge heads of sweetly scented, small, single, creamy-white, yellow centred flowers followed by lots of small, red hips in autumn. Extremely vigorous, spreading, upright growth. A fine challenge for people who like to fight with their roses. Ideal for covering unsightly objects or growing into trees.


Kiss me Kate

The medium-sized, very double, nostalgically shaped, quartered, pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a very strong, sweet fragrance. Upright, healthy growth. Wonderful, abundantly flowering, fragrant climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



The large, extremely well-filled nostalgic flowers are a powerful pink and have a strong scent. The growth is upward and bushy. Very healthy, dark green foliage. A beautiful, healthy climbing rose, that flowers perpetually!


Lavender Siluetta

Small, very double, lavender-coloured flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



Small, single, slightly scented, intensive pink flowers with a white centre and yellow stamens, borne in large clusters. Bushy, luxuriant growth with flexible branches. Healthy and hardy. Very free-flowering Climber or Rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Use for pergolas, trellis etc.



Enormous trusses of medium-sized, semi-double, creamy yellow to white flowers with striking orange-yellow stamens and a strong fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, healthy growth, without thorns. Very abundantly flowering. Ideal for pergolas, fences or growing into trees.


Madame Alfred Carrière

Plentiful of large, cupped, fully double, very fragrant, milky-white blooms blushed with pink. A good "Old Rose", as vigorous as ever, that blooms freely and continually. Hardy and healthy climber.


Madame Grégoire Staechelin

The large, semi-double, ruffled, soft pink flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a delicious, sweet scent. Decorative hips. Vigorous growth, healthy. Lovely, old climber. Abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Madame Isaac Pereire

Widely held to be the most fragrant of all roses with huge, cupped, fully double, quartered, deep purplish-cerise flowers, that repeat flowering well. Vigorous growth. Magnificent climber, also suitable as shrub.



Large, semi-double, cup-shaped, bright golden-yellow flowers tinged with copper. Strong fragrance. Hardy, robust, vigorous, thorny growth. Early flowering (End of May), with second flush in autumn. A shrub, with long branches, that also makes a good climber.


Malvern Hills

Elegant, soft yellow, small, fully double flowers in clusters. Mild fragrance. Vigorous, slender growth, with shining foliage, almost thornless. Ideal for covering walls, arches etc.. Beautiful rambler, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Maria Lisa

Small, single, bright reddish pink flowers with a white centre, in large clusters and a soft fragrance. Vigorous, climbing growth, almost thornless; hardy. Beautiful, abundantly flowering rambler, ideal for pergolas, fences etc.


Mini Eden Rose

Small to medium-sized, very double, shining pink flowers with a soft fragrance. Upright, slowly climbing growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Dark green foliage. Sport of the famous "Eden Rose" but with smaller flowers. Ideal for small gardens and containers.



Large, fully double, velvety dark red flowers, mostly borne in clusters and pleasingly scented. Upright, good branching growth with healthy dark green, glossy foliage. Wonderful dark red climber, continuously blooming.


New Dawn

Still one of the best modern perpetual-flowering climbers. The medium-sized, double, Hybrid Tea shaped, soft pink flowers are freely borne single or in clusters. Fresh fruity fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, spreading and arching growth. Perfectly suited for all purposes. Robust climber that tolerates semi-shadow and is suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.


Red New Dawn

Small groups of well-formed, medium-sized, slightly fragrant, deep red flowers. Healthy, slowly climbing growth with very glossy foliage. Beautiful repeat-flowering climber.


Orange Climber

The beautiful, large, loosely double, apricot-orange flowers are freely produced from June to autumn. Vigorous and upright growth. Highly recommendable orange climber.



The striking, large, very double, lilac-coloured flowers are strongly and sweetly fragrant. Vigorous, upright growth habit. Healthy foliage. Stunning climber that can also be used as a shrub, solitary or in small groups. Flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Paul Noël

Strongly fragrant, medium to large, double, salmon-pink flowers in small clusters. Vigorous growth. Abundant flowering in June with weaker repeat later in the season. Suited to grow over pergolas, trees etc. A beautiful, abundant flowering climber.


Paul's Himalayan Musk

Huge sprays of pretty, small, loosely double, rosette-shaped, lilac-pink to blush pink flowers. Sweetly scented. Very strong, thorny and creeping growth. Hips after blooming, Very abundantly flowering, ideal for growing into trees, etc.


Paul's Scarlet Climber

Large clusters of medium-sized, semi-double, scarlet-red flowers produced in enormous quantities, with a slight scent. Very hardy, strong climbing growth.


Peach Melba

The medium-sized, very double, cup-shaped, apricot-pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Bushy and upright growth. Very disease resistant foliage and reliable winter hardiness. Lovely, healthy climber that blooms richly in flushes throughout the season.


Penny Lane

The beautifully shaped and well-formed, double, soft-pink almost pearl-white flowers are delicately tinged with apricot towards the centre and abundantly borne single or in clusters. Healthy and vigorous growth. Delicious scent. In the UK crowned as "Rose of the year 1998".


Perennial Blue

The small, semi-double flowers are lilac pink to violet, have a good scent and bloom in clusters. Vigorous growth; healthy and hardy. Repeats flowering well provided that spent flowers are pruned back. Very suitable for rose arches, pergola's etc.


Phyllis Bide

Elegant, little rambler bearing huge clusters of small, double, yellow-centred, pink flowers held on short branches, with a pleasing fragrance. Vigorous, good branching growth with lax, flexible stems. Repeats its opulent flowering throughout summer, well in to autumn.


Pink Cloud

Beautiful, Hybrid Tea climber with trusses of large, cupped, double, dark pink flowers with a delicious fragrance. Vigorous, spreading and branching growth. Continuously flowering, blooming freely with the charm of the "Old and English Roses".


Polka 91

The large, very double, nostalgically-shaped, apricot flowers spread a lovely, old rose fragrance. Upright growth, very disease resistant. Marvelous, abundantly flowering climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season and loves sunny locations. Can also be grown as a shrub.


Rambling Rector

Small, semi double, very fragrant, white flowers with golden stamens, in large clusters. Very vigorous, climbing growth habit, healthy. Very free-flowering. Small hips in Autumn.


Rambling Rosie

Small, semi-double crimson-red flowers with white center in very large clusters. Tall, climbing and spreading growth habit. Small, glossy, healthy foliage. Prolific flowering in flushes throughout the season. Wonderful display of colour. Ideal for covering walls, fences, trellises, arches etc.



Beautiful, small, double, globular, clear pink flowers, mostly borne in clusters. Sweetly scented. Vigorous, dense, bushy growth with long arching branches. A unique, very free-flowering climber, that also can be used as sprawling shrub or for ground cover.


Red Flame

A large-flowered climbing rose with large, double flowers with a bright red velvet colour. Strong, fruity scent. Vigorous, bushy growth, with very healthy foliage. Abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful climbing rose!


Romantic Siluetta

Small, very double, pastel-pink flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shady conditions.


Rosarium Uetersen

Wonderful, early-flowering climber that continuously produces trusses of very large, fully double, slightly fragrant flowers in a shining pink colour. Growth is very vigorous, hardy, dense and bushy. Can also be grown as shrub.


Sander's White Rambler

Large clusters of small, semi-double, rosette-shaped, yellow centred white flowers with a sweet scent. Vigorous growth. Impressive and very free-flowering Rambler.



Large, double flowers in a constant and unfading bright dark-red colour with a slight scent, borne single or in clusters. Vigorous and hardy climber with upright growth and luxuriant foliage. Very beautiful.


Snow Waltz

Very large, double, good scented, pure white flowers, formed like a classic Hybrid Tea. Easy branching, upright growth forming firm shoots and unaffected by weather. Wonderful, repeat-flowering, large-flowered climber!



The small, single, open, white flowers with yellow stamens, bloom in large clusters and spread a strong fragrance. Very vigorous, climbing growth, with small hips after flowering. Hardy. Very beautiful rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Shining Beauty

Large, double, deliciously scented, bright yellow flowers covered with orange. Hardy, upright and healthy growth. Extremely beautiful, abundantly blooming from June till autumn.


Souvenir du Docteur Jamain

Beautiful, well-formed, double, medium-sized, velvety purple-crimson flowers with an extremely rich fragrance. Prefers a shady position to protect its exceptional beautiful colour from fading. A unique climber that repeats flowering and also can be grown as a shrub.


Sunny Siluetta

Small, very double, gold-yellow flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Super Dorothy

Large clusters of small, fully double, softly scented, bright pink flowers. Very vigorous, hardy growth, forming long shoots. Very disease resistent. Late, very abundant first blooming and repeat-flowering untill autumn. Can also be grown as a huge ground-cover.


Super Excelsa

Large clusters of small, fully double, softly scented, rosy-red flowers. Very vigorous, hardy growth, forming long shoots. Very disease resistent. Late, very abundant first blooming and repeat-flowering untill autumn. Can also be grown as a huge ground-cover.


Sweet Siluetta

Small, very double, soft pink ageing to white flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



Large-flowered, Hybrid Tea shaped climber with clusters of large, loosely double, velvety dark red flowers, unaffected by weather and deliciously scented. Extraordinary vigorous, robust climber forming firm stems, that repeats flowering well.


The Albrighton Rambler

The small to medium-sized, cup-shaped, double flowers in a blush pink colour, bloom in large clusters with a light fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth. Extremely healthy. Exceptional rambler flowers abundantly in flushes throughout the season and can be used for pergolas and arches etc.


The Generous Gardener (Climbing Rose)

Beautifully formed, large, double, soft-pink flowers, which nod gracefully, in small clusters. Delicious, strong Old Rose and myrrh fragrance. Bushy, well-branched, tall growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Beautiful English Rose, that flowers in flushes throughout the season and can be grown as a climber as well as a shrub.


The Pilgrim (Climbing Rose)

One of the prettiest yellow "English Roses". The very attractive, elegant, deliciously scented flowers are large, flat, fully double and repeat blooming, throughout summer. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful for cutting, with beautiful flowers for the vase. Can also be grown as a climber.



Multiflora-Rambler mauve-blue up to 450 cm b6-7 S Bunches of small, loose, semi-double, richly scented, purple-violet to violet-blue flowers with a white centre and yellow stamens. A free-flowering, vigorous and hardy rambler, almost without thorns.



Clusters of small, semi-double, purple-violet-blue flowers with visible yellow stamens. Lovely, mild fragrance. Vigorous growth. Wonderful Rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.


Wedding Day

Huge clusters of strongly fragrant, single, white flowers with orange-yellow stamens. Extremely vigorous and spreading growth. Can be used as rambler, tree-climber or for covering large open spaces.


White New Dawn

The medium-sized, full Hybrid-Tea flowers scent wonderful and flower individually or in clusters. The colour is radiant white. The plant is fully hardy, grows strongly and spreading and forms long overhanging branches. A very lovely abundantly and continuously flowering climbing rose suitable for all situations. Robust climber, does well in semi-shade and when North-facing.


Wollerton Old Hall (Climbing Rose)

Medium-sized, very double, globular-shaped flowers in a soft apricot colour that eventually pale to soft yellow. One of the most fragrant English roses, with a classic myrrh scent. Well branching, almost thornless and very hardy with good climbing habits. Beautiful, continuously flowering English shrub, that also can be grown as a climber.


Zéphirine Drouhin

One of the best and reliable climbers. Large groups of medium-sized, loosely double, strongly fragrant, deep rose-pink flowers, which are produced abundantly generous and with exceptional continuity. Vigorous growth, thornless. It can be grown on a north wall, or as a shrub or for hedges.
