Nostalgic Roses

 In recent years “English and Nostalgic Roses” are gaining popularity and new and better varieties are introduced. We have made a collection of these new romantic roses that strike with their nostalgic flower shape, lovely colours, fabulous fragrance, good health and abundant flowering. “English and Nostalgic Roses” are used in beds, in groups of three, in pots, as solitary bush or as impenetrable hedge. Planting distance is depending on use and variety. Most varieties are best planted in groups of three (planting-distance ± 45 cm). They will form one bushy, dense shrub that will flower more regularly and abundantly, creating a greater effect in the border. We distinguish 4 groups of Nostalgic Roses: Nostalgic Hybrid Tea Roses, Nostalgic Floridunda Roses, Nostalgic Shrub Roses and Nostalgic Climbing Roses.


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Large, fully double, nostalgically, quartered flowers in a velvety, ruby-red colour. Very strong, sweet fragrance. Bushy and vigorous growth. Healthy. Beautiful fragrant garden rose. Wonderful for cutting, blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Perfect Harmony

The flowers are very large, double, with a strong scent and nostalgic flower shape, in a lively interplay of colours, between red and peach-yellow. Virorous growth; healthy. Very beautiful, fragrant, continuously flowering, classic Hybrid Tea, wonderful for gardening, cutting and pots.



Medium-sized, globular, fully double, cream-white flowers in small clusters, with a green shine and a strong anise fragrance. Vigorous growth; healthy. Very beautiful, continuously flowering, nostalgic shrub!


Astrid Gräfin von Hardenberg

Medium-sized, very double, strongly scented, nostalgically-shaped, velvety Bordeaux-red flowers that brighten towards the centre. The flexible shrub forms arching, overhanging branches and repeats its abundant flowering well.


Augusta Luise

Remarkable, very large, double flowers of champagne-peach colouring, with nostalgic flower-shape and very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with healthy, dark green foliage. Charming and wonderful "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.



Medium-sized, very double, cupped and rosette-shaped flowers in a varying salmon pink colour and a delicious myrrh-fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with dark green, glossy foliage. Excellent health and hardy. Delightful, very free and continuously flowering shrub.


Bring me Sunshine

The large, very double, cupped, rosette-shaped flowes have a orange-yellow colour, later paling to lighter apricot tones. Medium-strong Myrrh fragrance. Bushy, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful shrub that blooms abundanty in flushes throughout the season.



Large, double, full flowers with a nostalgic flower-shape, in a wonderful golden yellow. Very strong tea rose scent. Vigorous growth. Free and continuously flowering Hybrid Tea, excellent for bedding and cutting.



Large, very double, nostalgically-shaped flowers in a warm, stable, apricot-orange colour. Intense honey fragrance. Vigorous growth with glossy, dark green foliage. Very beautiful, romantic, free- and continuously flowering, strong scented Hybrid Tea, wonderful in garden, excellent for bedding and cutting!


Charles Darwin

Large, double, yellow flowers, rounded at first, later opening up to shallow cups with a striking green ‘eye’. Very intense fragrance. Spreading, vigorous growth and very disease resistant. Impressive, continuously flowering, healthy English shrub.



Large, very full, cupped, nostalgic shaped, dark orange flowers with a strong fragrance. Vigorous, hardy growth. Beautiful, early, free- and continuously flowering. Ideal for gardening and cutting.


Clair Renaissance

Very beautiful shrub, continuously flowering. The large, very double, cup-shaped flowers are soft pink covered with peach and have a strong fragrance. Vigorous, bushy and even growth with healthy, glossy foliage. Hardy and robust.


Claire Austin

Large, fully double, cupped-shaped, quartered, cream-white flowers with a lovely and intense fragrance. Vigorous, healthy growth habit with arched overhanging branches; Abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Best white Austin rose, which is suitable both as a shrub rose or climbing rose.


Dame Judi Dench

The large, very double, rosette-shaped, apricot-orange flowers, with button-eye, bloom in small clusters and spread a light tea scent. Healthy, vigorous, arching growth. Rain resistant. Very lovely, abundant- and continuously flowering, healthy English Shrub. Suited for semi-shady conditions.



Medium-sized, double, globular-shaped flowers in a apricot shade, with a lovely, fruity fragrance. Upright and bushy growth. Lovely shrub, that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season. Can be used for pots, borders and hedges. Also suitable for shady areas.



Large, double, cupped-shaped, white flowers with light peachy-pink shadings, in small clusters. Strong Old Rose fragrance. Bushy, healthy growth. Very beautiful English Rose that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Eden Rose 85

Although not an 'Austin-Rose' this is surely an 'English Rose'. Clusters of large, enormously double, cupped, strongly scented flowers which vary in colour from soft pink on the outside to deep pink in the centre. Hardy, vigorous and bushy, very beautiful, repeat-flowering shrub with the charm of the 'Old Moss Roses'. Can also be grown as a climber!



Large, very double, rosette-shaped, very fragrant, violet flowers with orange-copper centre. Vigorous growth. Charming and wonderful, striking coloured "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.



Medium-sized, very double, quartered, nostalgically-shaped, ivory white flowers with a green shine, on firm stems and with a strong pleasing scent. Abundant growth and flowering on firm stems. Wonderful, nostalgic climber and shrub.



Medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped pink-apricot flowers in large clusters, with a strong, sweet, Old Rose fragrance. Vigorous growth and exceptionally healthy. Wonderful, large shrub that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season. Can be used for pots and borders. Also suitable for shady areas.


Emily Brontë

Large, very double, cupped-to-flat, rosette-shaped flowers in a soft pink colour with apricot centre, later fading to cream. Strong tea fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful, healthy English Shrub, that blooms opulent in flushes throughout the season.


Eustacia Vye

The medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, ruffled, apricot-pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a delicious, strong, fruity fragrance. Bushy, upright growth; healthy. Lovely, abundantly flowering shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shade locations.


Gabriel Oak

The large, very double, rosette-shaped, deep pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely, strong and fruity fragrance. Vigorous, spreading and round growth. Very beautiful, English shrub, that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season.


Garden of Roses

Spray rose with very compact growth and nostalgic, richly-filled rosette-shaped flowers in an attractive cream pastel pink colour. Richly and perpetually-flowering healthy bed and pot rose with a light scent.


Gentle Hermione

Large, very double, perfectly shaped, nostalgic, soft pink flowers in small clusters with a delicious strong fragrance. Rainproof. Bushy growth, beautiful healthy foliage. Wonderful, “English Rose” that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Gertrude Jekyll

Clusters of large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers of deep pink, with an overwhelming fragrance. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful English shrub, that repeats its opulent flowering regularly. Also suitable as climber.



The large, very full, quartered flowers in a romantic pink colour grow in clusters throughout the summer and have a sweet fruity scent. Upright, well-branched growth, slow-climbing, lower part does not shed its foliage. Healthy foliage. Beautiful, continuously flowering, nostalgic blooming climbing rose!


Golden Celebration

The elegant, very large, cupped-shaped flowers have a yellow copper colour and an exquisite scent. The shiny dark green foliage strengthens the copper yellow. Graceful and healthy growth. Flowering in flushes throughout the season. Beautiful English rose.



The medium-sized, double, ruffled, pale yellow flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely soft fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with glossy foliage. Very striking, abundantly flowering English shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Named after the character in Shakespeare’s ‘Cymbeline’.


James L. Austin

Medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, deep pink flowers with a button-eye. Fruity fragrance. Bushy and upright growth. Rain tolerant. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Kew Gardens

The small, single, apricot coloured buds open to pure white flowers, bloom in large, hortensia-like clusters and spread a soft fragrance. Upright, bushy growth. Almost thornless. Very lovely, healthy, abundantly flowering English shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Lady of Shalott

Medium-sized, very double, rounded, elegantly-shaped flowers in clusters. The inside of the petals are salmon pink, the reverse copper to golden-yellow. Pleasant warm tea fragrance. Bushy, slightly arching growth; very healthy and hardy. Blooms continuously throughout the season. Very attractive shrub with a remarkable colour, that also can be grown as a climber.


Leonardo da Vinci

A floribunda in style of the "English Roses". Medium-sized, full, sweetly scented flowers shaped like a quartered rosette, coloured in a constant and unfading dark pink. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.



Medium-sized, cupped, quartered, fully double soft pink flowers in clusters, with a nostalgic bloom form and a moderate fragrance. The dark green, glossy foliage contrasts beautifully with the flowers. Robust, very bushy, arching growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Marvellous for bedding and cutting.



Large, fully double, globular, slightly fragrant flowers of creamy-white and cherry. Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea with luxuriant, dark green, glossy foliage. Beautiful rose with the charm of the nostalgic roses, magnificent for bedding and cutting.


Olivia Rose Austin

Medium-sized to large, very double, rosette shaped, soft pink flowers in small clusters, with a pleasant fruity fragrance. Vigorous growth, remarkably healthy. Beautiful, free-flowering English Shrub that repeats flowering in flushes throughout the season.


Port Sunlight

The medium-sized, very double, flat, quartered, apricot flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth. Beautiful, abundantly flowering English Shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Named after the model village in the Wirral where there is a beautiful garden of English Roses.


Princess Alexandra of Kent

Very large, very double, cupped, bright pink flowers, with a strong lemon scent, in small clusters. Bushy growth, well rounded shrub, very healthy and hardy. Prolific blooming in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful shrub.


Queen of Sweden

Large, very double, cupped flowers, soft pink with apricot highlights, in small clusters, with a mild, myrrh fragrance. Bushy and elegant upright growth. Healthy foliage. Wonderful, “English Rose” that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Red Eden Rose

Clusters of large, enormously double, cupped, strongly scented, deep red flowers. Hardy, vigorous and bushy, very beautiful, repeat-flowering shrub with the charm of the "Old Moss Roses".


Red Leonardo da Vinci

A floribunda in style of the 'Englishe Roses'. Medium sized, full, sweetly scented flowers, shaped like a quartered rosette, colored in a constant and unfading dark red. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.


Roald Dahl

The medium-sized, very double, rosette-shaped, apricot flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a delicious, fruity fragrance. Bushy growth, almost thornless and very healthy. Wonderful English shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shady locations.


Scepter d'Isle

The medium-sized, double, cup-shaped, light pink flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a strong, myrrh fragrance. Upright growth, healthy foliage. Lovely, elegant English shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Sophie Luise

Large, very double, quartered flowers in a magenta-pink colour, with nostalgic flower-shape and very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with healthy, dark green foliage. Charming and wonderful "Nostalgic Rose", perfect for small groups and cutting.



The large, very double, nostalgically shaped flowers in a purple-violet colouring spread a very strong perfume. Vigorous, bushy, well-branched growth. Very healthy, Nostalgic Shrub that repeats flowering well.


Summer Song

Large, very full, cup-shaped flowers with a beautiful brown-orange colour. Has an attractive and intense scent. Bushy, upright growth. Beautiful Austin Rose, that’s blooms in flushes throughout the season.


The Generous Gardener

Beautifully formed, large, double, soft-pink flowers, which nod gracefully, in small clusters. Delicious, strong Old Rose and myrrh fragrance. Bushy, well-branched, tall growth. Glossy, dark green foliage. Beautiful English Rose, that flowers in flushes throughout the season and can be grown as a climber as well as a shrub.


The Lady Gardener

Small clusters of large, double, rosette-shaped, pure apricot flowers that pale towards the outside of the bloom and spread a lovely tea-fragrance. Bushy growth, hardy and raintolerant. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering shrub that blooms continuously in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for pots, containers and rose hedges.


The Pilgrim

One of the prettiest yellow "English Roses". The very attractive, elegant, deliciously scented flowers are large, flat, fully double and repeat blooming, throughout summer. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful for cutting, with beautiful flowers for the vase.


The Poet's Wife

Large, very double, cupped shaped, strong yellow flowers in small clusters. Rich, fruity fragrance. Low, rounded, healthy growth. Excellent, free-flowering English Rose that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Thomas à Becket

The large, very double, rosette-shaped, crimson-red flowers spread a lovely, old rose scent. Strong, bushy growth, very hardy. Striking, abundantly flowering English Shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very suitable for hedges and borders.


Vanessa Bell

Medium-sized, double, cup-shaped, pale-yellow flowers paling to white at the edges, with a rich, yellow eye, in large clusters. Medium strong lemon fragrance. Bushy, upright growth. Beautiful, healthy shrub that abundantly blooms in flushes throughout the season.



Large, very double, rosette-shaped flowers in a blush-pink colour with a hint of apricot and a soft fragrance. Arching, bushy growth, well branched. Lovely English shrub that blooms prolifically in flushes throughout the season.


William and Catherine

Particularly beautiful, shallow-cupped, medium-sized, fully double flowers with a strong myrrh fragrance and a button eye at the centre. At first the colour is cream which fades to pure white. The petals drop very cleanly. Bushy, upright, healthy growth, hardy. Wonderful shrub that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Wollerton Old Hall

Medium-sized, very double, globular-shaped flowers in a soft apricot colour that eventually pale to soft yellow. One of the most fragrant English roses, with a classic myrrh scent. Well branching, almost thornless and very hardy with good climbing habits. Beautiful, continuously flowering English shrub, that also can be grown as a climber.


Young Lycidas

Large, very double, cupped flowers in small clusters with a mixture of deep pink, magenta and red. Delicious, very strong fragrance. Bushy, arching growth. Attractive English shrub, that flowers prolificly in flushes throughout the season. Can be used for borders, pots and for cutting.
