Boule de Neige

Small groups of exquisitely formed, camellia-like, very double, medium-sized, globular flowers of the purest white. Strong and delicious fragrance. Almost continuously flowering. Vigorous shrub with upright growth. One of the best Bourbons.

cream white
120-150 cm
Group:  Bourbon Rose
Year of introduction: 1867
Winner: F. Lacharme
Flowering-period:  June-October
Flowering frequency:  blooms in flushes throughout the season
Flowering intensity:  abundant
Flowers per stem: in small clusters
Flowershape:  medium-sized , very double , globular
Fragrance:  strong/intensiv fragrance ,
Width in cm:  80 to 90
Growth:  vigorous , upright
Use:  tolerates semi-shaded conditions