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Medium-sized, very double, softly scented flowers in a vibrant display of red, white and yellow stripes. Bushy, upright growth. Very colourful, continuously flowering, healthy rose, Wonderful for bedding and in groups.


Absolutely Fabulous

Medium to large, double, cupped, nostalgically-shaped, butter-yellow flowers in small clusters with a strong fragrance. Bushy and compact growth. Healthy. Prolific continuous flowering throughout the season. Can be used for beds and borders, in containers and for cutting.


Amber Queen

Globular, double, deep amber-yellow, very fragrant flowers that blend well with the luxuriant, glossy, dark green and healthy foliage. Wide, low and bushy growth. Free and continuously flowering. Beautiful rose, excellent for bed or border.



The medium-sized, double flowers are yellow, orange-pink with a light scent. Healthy, compact growth. Very beautiful, compact growing, bed, cut and excellent pot rose, that flowers richly and perpetually!


Perfect Harmony

The flowers are very large, double, with a strong scent and nostalgic flower shape, in a lively interplay of colours, between red and peach-yellow. Virorous growth; healthy. Very beautiful, fragrant, continuously flowering, classic Hybrid Tea, wonderful for gardening, cutting and pots.


Arthur Bell

Hybrid-Tea shaped, large, semi-double flowers in golden-yellow fading to yellow, in small clusters with a deliciously, strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth, with healthy foliage. Continuously flowering. Excellent rose for bedding and cutting!


Auguste Gervais

The large, semi-double, flat, apricot-yellow to copper-coloured flowers, bloom in large clusters and spread a strong fragrance. Vigorous growth. Hardy. Lovely rambler, abundantly flowering in spring or summer.



The large, double flowers in an unfading amber are abundantly produced and formed like "English Roses". They are weather-proof and last well when cut. Hardy plant with compact and healthy growth. Good for cutting and magnificent for bedding.


Bring me Sunshine

The large, very double, cupped, rosette-shaped flowes have a orange-yellow colour, later paling to lighter apricot tones. Medium-strong Myrrh fragrance. Bushy, upright and healthy growth. Very beautiful shrub that blooms abundanty in flushes throughout the season.



Classic Tea-hybrid with large, full, yellow and fuchsia red striped flowers with healthy leaves. The fragrance is strong and fruity. Robust bush with powerful, broad growth and dark green glossy foliage. Very unique, striped rich and perpetually flowering garden and cut rose!


Buff Beauty

One of the best Musk's, with large trusses of sweetly scented, medium-sized, double blooms, whose colour ranges from apricot to creamy-yellow. A vigorous, healthy and spreading shrub with arching, overhanging branches and dark green foliage. Constantly flowering over a long period, into autumn.



Large, double, full flowers with a nostalgic flower-shape, in a wonderful golden yellow. Very strong tea rose scent. Vigorous growth. Free and continuously flowering Hybrid Tea, excellent for bedding and cutting.


Charles Darwin

Large, double, yellow flowers, rounded at first, later opening up to shallow cups with a striking green ‘eye’. Very intense fragrance. Spreading, vigorous growth and very disease resistant. Impressive, continuously flowering, healthy English shrub.


Diamond Days

The large, very double flowers blossom in small sprays. On their edge, they are cream coloured to white, which changes from cream to lemon yellow towards the centre. Their splendid fragrance is intense and sweet. Healthy, strong, compact growth habit. A very beautiful classic hybrid tea rose that abundantly flowers continuously. Suitable for beds, borders and as a cut rose.


Flaming Star

Medium-sized to large, double golden yellow flowers with red edges. Classic and elegant shape. Light fragrance. Compact growth. Healthy, dark green foliage. Beautiful Hybrid Tea with continuous and abundant flowering. Ideal for bedding, cutting and growing in pots due to its compact growth.



One of the most justly admired bright golden-yellow roses with large, double, deliciously scented, flowers carried in profusion, that hold their shape and colour throughout the long flowering period. Hardy plant with a bushy and upright growth habit.


Friesia (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

One of the most justly admired bright golden-yellow roses with large, double, deliciously scented, flowers carried in profusion, that hold their shape and colour throughout the long flowering period. Hardy plant with a bushy and upright growth habit.


Gebrüder Grimm

Medium-sized, fully double flowers of bright orange and yellow, mostly held in trusses. Vigorous, bushy growth. Fabulously beautiful bush with extreme healthy foliage, nostalgic charm and abundant flowering. Wonderful for bedding or as solitary bush. Also suitable for semi-shady conditions.


Ghislaine de Féligonde

Trusses of small, double, sweetly scented, apricot-yellow flowers fading to creamy-white. Vigorous, robust growth with arching branches. Lovely red hips in autumn. Elegant, beautiful, abundantly blooming climber or shrub that repeats flowering.


Ghislaine de Féligonde (Standard Rose 110-120cm)

Trusses of small, double, sweetly scented, apricot-yellow flowers fading to creamy-white. Vigorous, robust growth with arching branches. Lovely red hips in autumn. Elegant, beautiful, abundantly blooming climber or shrub that repeats flowering.


Gloire de Dijon

Wonderful climber with large, double, cupped and quartered, brown-yellow flowers covered with pink and gold. Strong and delicious fragrance. Hardy climber with upright, vigorous growth. Repeats flowering from early spring till late autumn.


Glorious Babylon Eyes

Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking soft yellow flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Glorious Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking soft yellow flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.


Golden Celebration

The elegant, very large, cupped-shaped flowers have a yellow copper colour and an exquisite scent. The shiny dark green foliage strengthens the copper yellow. Graceful and healthy growth. Flowering in flushes throughout the season. Beautiful English rose.


Golden Celebration (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

The elegant, very large, cupped-shaped flowers have a yellow copper colour and an exquisite scent. The shiny dark green foliage strengthens the copper yellow. Graceful and healthy growth. Flowering in flushes throughout the season. Beautiful English rose.


Golden Gate

The large, extremely well-filled golden yellow flowers bloom in sprays and have a wonderful scent. The plant growth is powerful and upward and has healthy foliage. Very beautiful, perpetually-flowering climbing rose for rose arches, pergolas etc!


Golden Showers

Continuously and abundantly blooming climber with large, loosely double, open, Hybrid Tea shaped, lemon-yellow flowers with a sweet scent. Strong, upright, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Climber suitable for all purposes. It can also be grown as shrub.


Golden Silk

Large, well-filled, deep yellow flowers with a wonderful scent. Powerful rising growth; healthy. A beautiful, perpetually-flowering garden, bed and cut rose!


Golden Wings

Very large, open, single, soft yellow flowers with orange-red stamens and a pleasing scent. Vigorous, bushy, healthy growth. Large, orange-red hips in autumn. Robust shrub that flowers continuously.



Medium to large, double, golden-yellow flowers softly flushed with copper towards the edges and with a pleasing fragrance. Vigorous and spreading growth. Continuously blooming with great freedom.


Hansestadt Rostock (Standard Rose 50-60cm)

Medium-sized to large, well-filled, slightly scented, long lasting flowers, with an amber to apricot colouring in compact clusters. Compact, bushy growth. Very beautiful Floribunda that flowers freely in flushes throughout the season.


Honeymilk (Standard Rose 50-60cm)

Medium-sized, very double, nostalgically shaped flowers in clusters. The colour is milk-white on the edge, with cream yellow on the inside. Very beautiful, abundantly and continuously flowering Patio Rose.



Small, single, cup-shaped, bright yellow flowers. Vigorous, spreading growth with elegant, arching, overhanging branches. Early and free-flowering on last year's stems. Plentiful, small hips in late summer. Excellent as solitary shrub.



The medium-sized, double, ruffled, pale yellow flowers, bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely soft fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with glossy foliage. Very striking, abundantly flowering English shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Named after the character in Shakespeare’s ‘Cymbeline’.



The small, semi-double, cupped-to-flat flowers bloom in clusters and spread a soft fragrance. The colour ranges between copper-orange, peach-yellow and later soft pink. Upright, bushy and healthy growth. Lovely, abundantly flowering Ground-Cover or Shrublet-Rose, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for planting in small groups.


Lady of Shalott

Medium-sized, very double, rounded, elegantly-shaped flowers in clusters. The inside of the petals are salmon pink, the reverse copper to golden-yellow. Pleasant warm tea fragrance. Bushy, slightly arching growth; very healthy and hardy. Blooms continuously throughout the season. Very attractive shrub with a remarkable colour, that also can be grown as a climber.


Lady of Shalott (Standard Rose 90-100cm)

Medium-sized, very double, rounded, elegantly-shaped flowers in clusters. The inside of the petals are salmon pink, the reverse copper to golden-yellow. Pleasant warm tea fragrance. Bushy, slightly arching growth; very healthy and hardy. Blooms continuously throughout the season. Very attractive shrub with a remarkable colour, that also can be grown as a climber.


Lemon Fizz

The medium-sized, loosely filled, open flowers, in a yellow colour are mostly solitary or grow in small clusters. Softly scented. Upright and bushy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens.


Lichtkönigin Lucia

Large, double, lemon-yellow flowers with a pleasing fragrance. Hardy, robust shrub with strong and healthy growth. Striking large, fern-green, leathery foliage. Early, free- and continuously flowering until late autumn. Good for cutting.



The medium-sized, elegant, cup-shaped, double flowers bloom in small clusters and have a radiant, bright yellow colour. The bright colour also makes a lovely contrast with the very dark, glossy foliage. Light fragrance. Bushy and upright growth. Excellent health. Lovely garden rose. Wonderful for cutting.


Little Sunset

The small, densely-filled flowers are yellow with a red edge, flower in sprays and have a tea hybrid flower shape. Bushy, upward growth. Beautifully coloured miniature rose that flowers richly and perpetually!



Enormous trusses of medium-sized, semi-double, creamy yellow to white flowers with striking orange-yellow stamens and a strong fragrance. Hardy, vigorous, healthy growth, without thorns. Very abundantly flowering. Ideal for pergolas, fences or growing into trees.



Large, semi-double, cup-shaped, bright golden-yellow flowers tinged with copper. Strong fragrance. Hardy, robust, vigorous, thorny growth. Early flowering (End of May), with second flush in autumn. A shrub, with long branches, that also makes a good climber.


Malvern Hills

Elegant, soft yellow, small, fully double flowers in clusters. Mild fragrance. Vigorous, slender growth, with shining foliage, almost thornless. Ideal for covering walls, arches etc.. Beautiful rambler, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.



Eye-catching striped, large, full flowers, in clear yellow, red and orange. Powerful, strong growth. A particularly attractive perpetually flowering garden and bed rose.



Medium-sized, single flowers with only 5 petals. The flowers colour from copper-yellow to pink and are slightly fragrant. Bushy, upright growth with flexible, thorny branches. Striking China-Shrub that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Nadia Zerouali

Medium-sized, double, light yellow flowers in small clusters, with a refreshing citrus and lemongrass fragrance and taste. Bushy growth, disease resistant and continously flowering. Ideal for growing in organic conditions or in pots. Once harvested, fresh use is recommended, but in refrigerated conditions the flowers can last to 12 days. Enjoy your meal!



Medium-sized, fully double, pink flowers with a yellow reverse and a mild scent. Healthy, compact growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful rose ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.


Oranges and Lemons

Small trusses of large, full, bright orange flowers with beautiful golden-yellow stripes, slightly fragrant. Healthy plant with upright, bushy growth and dark green, glossy foliage. Extraordinary and extremely beautiful in beds.


Parfum de Grasse

The large, well-filled flowers are dark pink, orange-yellow on the outside and very fragrant. Powerful growth, weather-resistant and healthy. A very beautiful, perpetually-flowering garden, bed and cut rose!



Famous, strong, healthy and hardy plant that continuously produces very large, double, light yellow flowers flushed with pink at the edges. Slightly fragrant. Use for bed and cut.


Phyllis Bide

Elegant, little rambler bearing huge clusters of small, double, yellow-centred, pink flowers held on short branches, with a pleasing fragrance. Vigorous, good branching growth with lax, flexible stems. Repeats its opulent flowering throughout summer, well in to autumn.


Shining Beauty

Large, double, deliciously scented, bright yellow flowers covered with orange. Hardy, upright and healthy growth. Extremely beautiful, abundantly blooming from June till autumn.



Medium-sized, double, yellow flowers with a mild scent. Healthy, compact growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful rose ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.


Summer of Love

The medium-sized, loosely filled, open flowers, are yellow with cherry-red edges and bloom in large clusters. Softly scented. Upright and bushy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens.



Medium-sized, very double, cupped, yellow flowers in large clusters and lovely, soft fragrance. Bushy, upright growth. Wonderful, healthy floribunda that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season.


Sunny Siluetta

Small, very double, gold-yellow flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Sunny Sky

Large, very double, elegantly shaped, honey yellow flowers with a soft scent. Vigorous, upright, bushy growth. Very healthy foliage. Healthy rose flowering in flushes throughout the season. Fine for cutting and good for bedding.


The Pilgrim

One of the prettiest yellow "English Roses". The very attractive, elegant, deliciously scented flowers are large, flat, fully double and repeat blooming, throughout summer. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful for cutting, with beautiful flowers for the vase.


The Pilgrim (Climbing Rose)

One of the prettiest yellow "English Roses". The very attractive, elegant, deliciously scented flowers are large, flat, fully double and repeat blooming, throughout summer. Vigorous, upright and healthy growth. Wonderful for cutting, with beautiful flowers for the vase. Can also be grown as a climber.


The Poet's Wife

Large, very double, cupped shaped, strong yellow flowers in small clusters. Rich, fruity fragrance. Low, rounded, healthy growth. Excellent, free-flowering English Rose that flowers in flushes throughout the season.


Vanessa Bell

Medium-sized, double, cup-shaped, pale-yellow flowers paling to white at the edges, with a rich, yellow eye, in large clusters. Medium strong lemon fragrance. Bushy, upright growth. Beautiful, healthy shrub that abundantly blooms in flushes throughout the season.


Wollerton Old Hall

Medium-sized, very double, globular-shaped flowers in a soft apricot colour that eventually pale to soft yellow. One of the most fragrant English roses, with a classic myrrh scent. Well branching, almost thornless and very hardy with good climbing habits. Beautiful, continuously flowering English shrub, that also can be grown as a climber.


Wollerton Old Hall (Climbing Rose)

Medium-sized, very double, globular-shaped flowers in a soft apricot colour that eventually pale to soft yellow. One of the most fragrant English roses, with a classic myrrh scent. Well branching, almost thornless and very hardy with good climbing habits. Beautiful, continuously flowering English shrub, that also can be grown as a climber.
