Our Roses |
Medium-sized, very double, softly scented flowers in a vibrant display of red, white and yellow stripes. Bushy, upright growth. Very colourful, continuously flowering, healthy rose, Wonderful for bedding and in groups.
Striking, beautifully formed, full, large, elegant flowers on long stalks, cherry red, silver-coloured edges, strongly scented, delightful colour. Upright growth. Very robust, healthy and fully hardy. Flowers the whole summer, suitable as cut rose.
Large, fully double, nostalgically, quartered flowers in a velvety, ruby-red colour. Very strong, sweet fragrance. Bushy and vigorous growth. Healthy. Beautiful fragrant garden rose. Wonderful for cutting, blooms in flushes throughout the season.
infoAlissar Princess of Phoenicia
Single to semi-double, Hibiscus like, striking soft pink flowers with a red eye in the center and a mild fragrance. Spreading, bushy growth, robust foliage. Very free- and continuously flowering Floribunda in striking colours!
Medium-sized to large, double, very bright, slightly fragrant, stable coloured, blood-red flowers. Bushy, upright growth, shiny and very healthy foliage. Very pretty and continuously flowering climber.
Plentiful, large, loose clusters of medium-sized, semi-double, bright orange-red flowers that mix perfectly well with the reddish, glossy foliage. Good branching, upright and healthy growth. Excellent for beds. One of the earliest to bloom.
infoPerfect Harmony
The flowers are very large, double, with a strong scent and nostalgic flower shape, in a lively interplay of colours, between red and peach-yellow. Virorous growth; healthy. Very beautiful, fragrant, continuously flowering, classic Hybrid Tea, wonderful for gardening, cutting and pots.
infoAstrid Gräfin von Hardenberg
Medium-sized, very double, strongly scented, nostalgically-shaped, velvety Bordeaux-red flowers that brighten towards the centre. The flexible shrub forms arching, overhanging branches and repeats its abundant flowering well.
infoBaron Girod de l'Ain
Appealing and unique rose with white tips on its crimson, slightly ragged edges. Wonderful, strong fragrance. Medium-sized, double, cupped, shapely flowers in small trusses, that repeat well. A vigorous, bushy shrub.
infoBees Paradise Light Red
The small, semi-double, open flowers in clusters, are light red with yellow stamens. Compact and bushy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens.
infoBlack Baccara
Classic Hybrid Tea with large, very double flowers in a deep velvety dark red colour. One of the darkest roses anyway. Upright growth with dark green foliage. Unique garden rose, wonderful for cutting.
infoBlack Forest Rose
Attractive, medium-sized, double, cupped-shaped, clear red flowers in small trusses. Spreading, bushy growth, very healthy foliage. Very free-flowering and beautiful bedding rose, that also makes a good ground cover.
infoBlaze Superior
Abundantly flowering, vigorous climber with medium-sized, double flowers, blooming well into autumn. Wonderful climber for arches, pergolas, etc.
infoBleu Magenta
The small, double, purple-violet flowers with yellow stamens, are slightly scented and bloom in large clusters. Vigorous growth, hardy. Suitable for semi-shady conditions. Beautiful old, abundfantly flowering, purple rambler.
Classic Tea-hybrid with large, full, yellow and fuchsia red striped flowers with healthy leaves. The fragrance is strong and fruity. Robust bush with powerful, broad growth and dark green glossy foliage. Very unique, striped rich and perpetually flowering garden and cut rose!
infoBurgundy Iceberg
The medium-sized, well-filled, open cupped-shaped flowers in small clusters are purple with remarkably deep, Bordeaux red stamens. Bushy growth with five-leaved branches. A unique and striking rose, continuously-flowering, ideal for bedding and groups.
Medium-sized, semi-double, red with cream-white flowers in lush clusters with a soft fragrance. Spreading, bushy growth, very healthy shrub. Heat resistant. Wonderful, healthy, insect-friendly ground cover that blooms richly in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for covering large spaces.
infoCardinal de Richelieu
One of the darkest roses bred. Small groups of medium-sized, globular, velvety dark-purple to violet-red flowers with a soft sweet scent. Bushy growth almost thornless. Free-flowering, showy shrub.
infoCharles de Mills
Vigorous, robust Gallica, with large, shapely, fully double almost quartered, slightly scented flowers in rich crimson tinted with purple. On of the best Gallica-Roses.
infoChevy Chase
Large clusters of small, fully double, slightly fragrant flowers in an intensive red colour. Hardy and healthy plant with a very vigorouse growth, forming long branches. Exceptional beautiful, abundantly flowering. Ideal for pergolas, fences etc.
infoClimbing Crimson Glory
Very large, full, double, velvety dark red, Hybrid Tea-shaped flowers. Very strong fragrance. Upright growth. Beautiful Hybrid Tea climber, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.
infoCrimson Siluetta
Small, very double, crimson-red flowers with a soft scent, blooming in rich clusters. Healthy upright, growth, with flexible branches that climb on trellis etc. Ideal suited for smaller gardens due to its moderate height of ca. 180 cm. Very beautiful, abundantly flowering mini-rambler that blooms in flushes throughout the season.
infoDame de Coeur
A hardy rose with very vigorous growth. The very large, double, globular shaped, bright cherry-red flowers are freely produced throughout the season and slightly fragrant. A reliable rose for beds and cutting.
infoDame de Coeur (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
A hardy rose with very vigorous growth. The very large, double, globular shaped, bright cherry-red flowers are freely produced throughout the season and slightly fragrant. A reliable rose for beds and cutting.
Medium-sized, very double, lively pink flowers in clusters, with a sweet, fruity taste of raspberries and a pleasent fruity fragrance. Bushy growth, healthy and continously flowering. Easy in maintenance, ideal for organic growing and in pots. Once harvested, flowers can remain fresh in refrigerated conditions up to 12 days. Enjoy your meal!
Medium-sized, double, red flowers with a mild scent. Healthy, very compact growth. Blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful rose ideal for bedding, cutting and potting.
Huge clusters of large, open, single, bright deep blood-red flowers with a large white centre and wavy petals. Slightly fragrant. Hardy, robust climber with vigorous growth and continuous flowering. Suitable for climbing against north-facing walls.
infoFragrant Cloud
Exceptionally fragrant, large, well formed, double, coral-orange-red flowers. Growth is very strong, bushy and hardy. Early and free-flowering favourite for beds and cutting.
Huge clusters with numerous, small, fully double, pompon-shaped, pink flowers that open reddish pink and are slightly fragrant. Hardy shrub with vigorous, upright and spreading growth. Very free and continuous flowering modern shrub. Ideal for hedges.
infoEtoile de Hollande
One of the best of all red climbing roses. The very beautiful, loosely double, velvety dark-red flowers are abundantly borne in great continuity. Very strong and sweet fragrance. Vigorous climbing Hybrid Tea.
infoF.J. Grootendorst
Upright, dense and thorny shrub with clusters of small, double, fringed, crimson-red blooms. Ideal for low hedges.
infoFairy Dance
Large groups of small, double, rosette-shaped, blood-red flowers. Growth is partly upright, partly with arching branches which produce a closed mass of foliage at a height of 40 cm. Very free- and continuously flowering. Excellent for ground cover.
infoFancy Babylon Eyes
Single, hibiscus-like, striking peach flowers with a dark red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
infoFancy Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Single, hibiscus-like, striking peach flowers with a dark red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
infoFür Elise
Medium-sized, very double flowers in a purple-violet colour with a strong fragrance. Upright, bushy growth. Very lovely, abundantly flowering, healthy and very fragrant floribunda, that blooms in flushes throughout the season.
infoFlaming Star
Medium-sized to large, double golden yellow flowers with red edges. Classic and elegant shape. Light fragrance. Compact growth. Healthy, dark green foliage. Beautiful Hybrid Tea with continuous and abundant flowering. Ideal for bedding, cutting and growing in pots due to its compact growth.
The large, fully double, flat, cupped, red flowers with nostalgic flower-shape, bloom from June till October. Bushy, upright growth with healthy foliage. Abundantly blooming in flushes throughout the season. Healthy, nostalgic, red climbing rose!
infoGabriel Oak
The large, very double, rosette-shaped, deep pink flowers bloom in small clusters and spread a lovely, strong and fruity fragrance. Vigorous, spreading and round growth. Very beautiful, English shrub, that blooms abundantly in flushes throughout the season.
Trusses of small, fully double, raspberry-red flowers, unaffected by rain and holding their colour well. Very glossy, very healthy, dark green foliage, contrasting beautifully with the raspberry red flowers. Robust and healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Very easy to grow, free- and continuously flowering.
infoToscana (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Trusses of small, fully double, raspberry-red flowers, unaffected by rain and holding their colour well. Very glossy, very healthy, dark green foliage, contrasting beautifully with the raspberry red flowers. Robust and healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Very easy to grow, free- and continuously flowering.
infoGlobal Hit (Standard Rose 50-60cm)
Small, semi-double, dark red flowers in large clusters. Bushy and compact growth. Hardy. Glossy, dark foliage. Beautiful miniature rose with continuous and abundant flowering.
infoGlorious Babylon Eyes
Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking soft yellow flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
infoGlorious Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking soft yellow flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
infoGrande Amore
Large, richly full, elegantly formed, clear red/coloured flowers. Vigorous, very healthy growth, soft fragrance. Continuously flowering Hybrid-Tea rose, also suitable as cut rose. One of the few Hybrid-Tea roses with ADR-hallmark.
infoGrande Classe
The large, well-filled flowers are velvet red with an intense scent. Bushy growth with very healthy-looking shiny dark green foliage for large-flowered roses. A very beautiful garden and cut rose!
Large, double, Hybrid Tea-shaped, mostly single borne flowers in a not fading velvety dark red colour with a very strong fragrance. Vigorous, upright growth with sturdy branches. Beautiful, abundantly flowering climber that blooms in flushes throughout the season, overwhelmingly scented.
Clusters of large, loosely double, strongly scented, violet-red flowers that fade with purple. Flowering from summer till autumn. Vigorous, hardy and upright shrub with large, red hips in autumn.
infoIngrid Bergman
Large, double, velvety dark-red flowers on firm upright stems, that last well when cut. The slightly fragrant flowers are freely and continuously produced. Compact, good branching growth. Very beautiful garden rose and excellent for cutting.
infoIngrid Bergman (Standard Rose 110-120cm)
Large, double, velvety dark-red flowers on firm upright stems, that last well when cut. The slightly fragrant flowers are freely and continuously produced. Compact, good branching growth. Very beautiful garden rose and excellent for cutting.
infoIngrid Bergman (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Large, double, velvety dark-red flowers on firm upright stems, that last well when cut. The slightly fragrant flowers are freely and continuously produced. Compact, good branching growth. Very beautiful garden rose and excellent for cutting.
The medium-sized, double, flat flowers are white with red edges and a green button-eye in the centre. Strong fragrance. Compact, well-branched growth, dark-green foliage; hardy. Healthy, abundantly flowering old Damask-Shrub.
infoLilli Marlene
Large trusses of shapely, loosely double, cupped, velvety bright crimson flowers. Bushy, healthy growth. Wonderful, free-flowering bedding rose!
infoLine Renaud
Large, double, well-formed flowers in a reddish pink, with a very strong fragrance. Vigorous growth, dark glossy, very healthy foliage. Free and continuously flowering Hybrid Tea, good for bedding and cutting!
infoLittle Red Beauty
Large trusses of small, double, velvety dark red flowers that repeat their opulent blooming constantly. Very compact growth.
infoLittle Sunset
The small, densely-filled flowers are yellow with a red edge, flower in sprays and have a tea hybrid flower shape. Bushy, upward growth. Beautifully coloured miniature rose that flowers richly and perpetually!
infoMaestro Babylon Eyes
Single to semi-double, hibiscus-like, striking pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact growth; robust foliage. Healthy. Early and continuous flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
Mid-sized, double, blood-red flowers mostly in small groups together. Spreading, bushy growth constantly producing new shoots, at first upright, later on bending due to the sheer mass of flowers. Abundantly flowering from June to October.
infoThe Times
An attractive mixture of medium-sized, dark red, double blooms and dense, shining red-green foliage. The flowers are carried in trusses, have a slight scent and are good in all weathers. Hardy plant with a good branching, very healthy, bushy, compact growth. Wonderful for bedding.
Eye-catching striped, large, full flowers, in clear yellow, red and orange. Powerful, strong growth. A particularly attractive perpetually flowering garden and bed rose.
infoMoje Hammarberg
Vigorous, upright, spreading and bushy growth with large red hips in autumn, very hardy. Violet-red colouring. Medium-sized, semi-double flowers with a strong fragrance. Repeats its abundant flowering from June to autumn.
infoMother's Day
Clusters of small, full, globular, bright dark-red flowers. Compact, bushy growth. Very free and continuously flowering. Ideal for growing in pots and tubs
Small, single, deep blood-red flowers with yellow stamens. Spreading, elegant and thorny shrub. Abundant flowering in early summer is followed by a marvellous display of orange-red hips in late summer.
infomoyesii Geranium
Small, single, geranium-red flowers with yellow stamens. Vigorous,spreading, elegant shrub. Abundant flowering in early summer is followed by a marvellous display of bottle-shaped, orange-red hips in late summer.
Medium-sized, single flowers with only 5 petals. The flowers colour from copper-yellow to pink and are slightly fragrant. Bushy, upright growth with flexible, thorny branches. Striking China-Shrub that flowers in flushes throughout the season.
Large, fully double, velvety dark red flowers, mostly borne in clusters and pleasingly scented. Upright, good branching growth with healthy dark green, glossy foliage. Wonderful dark red climber, continuously blooming.
infoRed New Dawn
Small groups of well-formed, medium-sized, slightly fragrant, deep red flowers. Healthy, slowly climbing growth with very glossy foliage. Beautiful repeat-flowering climber.
infoNina Weibull
Hardy, Floribunda that continuously produces clusters of medium-sized, blood-red blooms. Compact, and branching growth. Reliable bedding rose.
Large, fully double, globular, slightly fragrant flowers of creamy-white and cherry. Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea with luxuriant, dark green, glossy foliage. Beautiful rose with the charm of the nostalgic roses, magnificent for bedding and cutting.
infoNostalgie (Standard Rose 110-120cm)
Large, fully double, globular, slightly fragrant flowers of creamy-white and cherry. Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea with luxuriant, dark green, glossy foliage. Beautiful rose with the charm of the nostalgic roses, magnificent for bedding and cutting.
infoNostalgie (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Large, fully double, globular, slightly fragrant flowers of creamy-white and cherry. Vigorous, bushy Hybrid Tea with luxuriant, dark green, glossy foliage. Beautiful rose with the charm of the nostalgic roses, magnificent for bedding and cutting.
Large, semi-double, bright carmine-red flowers fading with purple shades. Remarkable yellow stamens. Small, round, red hips in autumn. Healthy, almost thornless shrub with easy branching growth. Slightly fragrant.
A magnificent, dark red rose, one of the darkest bred. Large, fully double flowers with a delicious, very strong scent, that hold their shape well and bloom throughout the summer. Excellent rose for cutting and beautiful in beds.
infoOut of Rosenheim
Wonderful, medium-sized, double, romantic, red flowers. Vigorous, upright, bushy growth, with very healthy foliage. Abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for bedding.
infoPaul's Scarlet Climber
Large clusters of medium-sized, semi-double, scarlet-red flowers produced in enormous quantities, with a slight scent. Very hardy, strong climbing growth.
infoRambling Rosie
Small, semi-double crimson-red flowers with white center in very large clusters. Tall, climbing and spreading growth habit. Small, glossy, healthy foliage. Prolific flowering in flushes throughout the season. Wonderful display of colour. Ideal for covering walls, fences, trellises, arches etc.
infoRed Ballerina
Very beautiful Hybrid-Musk that continuously bears large, elegant trusses of small, single, slightly fragrant, rosy-red flowers with a white centre. Hardy, healthy shrub with spreading, bushy growth. Because of its partly arching, overhanging branches also suitable for ground cover.
infoRed Eden Rose
Clusters of large, enormously double, cupped, strongly scented, deep red flowers. Hardy, vigorous and bushy, very beautiful, repeat-flowering shrub with the charm of the "Old Moss Roses".
infoRed Flame
A large-flowered climbing rose with large, double flowers with a bright red velvet colour. Strong, fruity scent. Vigorous, bushy growth, with very healthy foliage. Abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Very beautiful climbing rose!
infoRed Leonardo da Vinci
A floribunda in style of the 'Englishe Roses'. Medium sized, full, sweetly scented flowers, shaped like a quartered rosette, colored in a constant and unfading dark red. Compact, bushy growth with healthy foliage. Constantly repeating its opulent flowering.
infoReine des Violettes
The large, very double, cupped and quartered flowers, have a violet-blue colour and spread a lovely, strong fragrance. Vigorous, wide and arching growth. Almost thornless. Abundantly flowering Old Shrub Rose, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Suitable for semi-shady locations.
infoRose de Rescht
Dense clusters of medium-sized, rosette-shaped, fully double, purple-red flowers that are a strongly fragrant and held well above the ample foliage. A hardy shrub with healthy, upright growth that repeats blooming well.
infoRoseraie de l'Hay
One of the most loved Rugosas and very rewarding, for it is in flower almost constantly. The large, semi-double blooms are strongly scented and open flat. The flowers are crimson fading to pink-mauve with age and have creamy white stamens. Vigorous, thorny shrub, with spreading, dense growth and healthy apple-green foliage. Ideal for hedging.
infoRed Perfume 97
Large, well formed, double, velvety dark-red flowers with a delicious strong fragrance. Upright, vigorous and healthy growth. Excellent for beds and cutting.
Large clusters of medium-sized, semi-double flowers of bright carmine-red, with a slight scent. Dark green, medium-sized, very glossy foliage. Compact, low and bushy growth. Extreme healthy, abundantly flowering and ideal for bedding.
infoRed Meilove
Medium-sized, very double, well-formed, dark red flowers in clusters, with a mild scent. Compact, healthy growth. Blooms continuously in flushes throughout the season. Excellent for bedding, potting and also suitable for planting large open spaces.
infoRugosa Rubra
Violet-red form of "Rugosa".
Large, double flowers in a constant and unfading bright dark-red colour with a slight scent, borne single or in clusters. Vigorous and hardy climber with upright growth and luxuriant foliage. Very beautiful.
infoSchöne Koblenzerin
The very double, small to medium sized, cupped flowers bloom in large clusters of up to 12 flowers and form an interesting play of colours ranging from red to cream to pink with cream. Upright and bushy growth. Very compact and dense. Very healthy foliage, clean flowering. Very attractive and healthy, continuously flowering spray and bed rose!
The large, very double, nostalgically shaped flowers in a purple-violet colouring spread a very strong perfume. Vigorous, bushy, well-branched growth. Very healthy, Nostalgic Shrub that repeats flowering well.
infoSouvenir du Docteur Jamain
Beautiful, well-formed, double, medium-sized, velvety purple-crimson flowers with an extremely rich fragrance. Prefers a shady position to protect its exceptional beautiful colour from fading. A unique climber that repeats flowering and also can be grown as a shrub.
infoSummer of Love
The medium-sized, loosely filled, open flowers, are yellow with cherry-red edges and bloom in large clusters. Softly scented. Upright and bushy growth. Beautiful ground cover with continuous and abundant flowering, which attracts bees and bumblebees due to its open flowers and stamens.
infoSuper Excelsa
Large clusters of small, fully double, softly scented, rosy-red flowers. Very vigorous, hardy growth, forming long shoots. Very disease resistent. Late, very abundant first blooming and repeat-flowering untill autumn. Can also be grown as a huge ground-cover.
infoSweet Babylon Eyes
Single, hibiscus-like, striking soft pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
infoSweet Babylon Eyes (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
Single, hibiscus-like, striking soft pink flowers with a red “eye”. Compact, robust growth; healthy foliage. Early and continuous abundant flowering in flushes throughout the season. Ideal for potting and bedding. Striking display of colours.
Large-flowered, Hybrid Tea shaped climber with clusters of large, loosely double, velvety dark red flowers, unaffected by weather and deliciously scented. Extraordinary vigorous, robust climber forming firm stems, that repeats flowering well.
infoThe Fairy Red
Small tot medium-sized, semi-double, scarlet-red flowers in clusters. Short, spreading, partly arching growth. Flowering continuously in flushes throughout the season, well into autumn. This is a red offspring of the famous “The Fairy”.
infoThomas à Becket
The large, very double, rosette-shaped, crimson-red flowers spread a lovely, old rose scent. Strong, bushy growth, very hardy. Striking, abundantly flowering English Shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very suitable for hedges and borders.
infoThomas à Becket (Standard Rose 90-100cm)
The large, very double, rosette-shaped, crimson-red flowers spread a lovely, old rose scent. Strong, bushy growth, very hardy. Striking, abundantly flowering English Shrub, that blooms in flushes throughout the season. Very suitable for hedges and borders.
infoTuscany Superb
The medium-sized, double, fragrant flowers are purple with gold-yellow stamens. Upright growth, almost without thorns and hardy. Decorative hips in fall. Very lovely, old Gallica rose, abundantly flowering in spring or early summer. Suitable for shady conditions.
infoUlmer Münster
Clusters of very large, double, blood red flowers, that hold their colour in all weather, with a delicate wild rose fragrance. Bushy, upright growth with dark green, very glossy foliage. Magnificent shrub, constantly flowering from June to October.
infoUlrich Brunner fils
Large, densely-petalled and cupped cherry-red flowers with the delicious fragrance of apple and vanilla. Strong, upright growth with long canes. Wonderful shrub, that repeats its rich flowering well.
infoVariegata di Bologna
A remarkable shrub bearing sprays of medium to large, double, globular, cupped, pure creamy-white blooms striped and splashed with purple-crimson. Sweetly fragrant. A magnificent display in summer, slightly recurrent in autumn. Strong, slender and arching, overhanging growth
infoWilliam Lobb
Sprays of heavily mossed buds opening to rich, crimson-purple, medium-sized, loosely double, sweetly scented flowers that fade to a pleasing violet-grey. Vigorous, thorny growth, forming long branches. A showy and special shrub.
A beautiful mass of small, double, cupped-shaped, red flowers in small clusters, with a long flowering period from May through to first frosts. Bushy, upright growth, healthy, oval buds in Autumn. Wonderful, easy to grow miniature, constantly flowering in flushes throughout the season.